RISCWorld Volume No.1The CD-ROM magazine for RISC OS users. Commercial AdvertisingAdvertising on the RISC World CD is not the same as advertising in printed magazines, mainly because of the format and the fact that you pay for your advert by kilobyte and not by page. There is enormous potential for companies that suppy a wide range of products and want to display a comprehensive price list, and as the cost of advertising is so low, smaller dealers, developers and individuals can afford copmprehensive adverts. A special version of the !Fresco browser is supplied on the CD. Although readers may prefer to use a different browser, you should ensure your advert works properly in !Fresco. Adverts can be be supplied either on disc or by email to adverts@riscworld.co.uk. If you use email please specify in your message what type of file you have attached (eg, HTML, ArcFS archive, Zip file, etc.). Unless previously agreed, payment is due immediately on receipt of our invoice, which will be issued as soon as we accept your ad. Payment can be by cheque, payable to RISC World or APDL, or by credit/debit/switch. We are trying to keep advertising prices to a minimum, and advertising in RISC World is a lot cheaper than any other media, especially for small companies, so please help us keep it that way by paying promptly. As if advertising in RISC World wasn't already a bargain to encourage people to advertise we are offering you your first advert absolutely free. All prices quoted are excluding VAT. You should add VAT at 17.5%.
Publication and advertising deadlinesThe schedule is not yet fixed, so if you do need to know the deadline for any particular issue please phone us on 020 8778 2659. The advertising deadline for Volume 2 Issue 1 is 4th May 2001. Format of advertNormally adverts will be in HTML, although you can just use a single large graphics file (JPEG, GIF, PNG or Sprite) if you prefer. Your advert will be isolated in its own directory, and you can have sub-directories for resources. Some advertisers simply use a slightly modified version of their company web site.
As your advert is isolated, if you use HTML you can have multiple files, backgound graphics, tables, frames, etc. In fact, anything (within the limitations of the browser) that could be used on a web site. Your advert will be linked from the Advertisers Index at the beginning of the magazine. The entry in the Index is in the form of the company name and/or logo (which will be the link) followed by a short promo text which you can use to encourage readers to look at your advert. This can be a brief description of what your company does, special offers on xzy, or announcing the new (whatever). It's up to you what you put here, but, including your company name, it must not exceed 40 words. You can use bold or italic to highlight a few key words or product names if you wish. This should be supplied in a separate text file named 'Link', which should not be placed in the directory with your other files. If you do not inlcude this then the link will just be your company name. You should also indicate which of your files is the 'entry point' to your advert if it is not the usual 'INDEX.HTM'. You may include a small 'button' graphic to link to your add. This should not normally exceed 100 x 60 pixels (w x h). The price is £10 plus £1 per 10,000 bytes To calculate the cost of your advert perform a 'count' on the contents of the directory. Divide the number of bytes shown in the 'Count' window by 10,000. This will be the number of 10,000 byte 'units' that your advert will take. As pricing is 'per 10k or part of 10k' you will almost certainly need to add 1 to this number. Now add £20. The following illustrates sizes up to 250,000 bytes.
No material from RISC World may be reproduced in whole or in part without permission from the copyright holder. Every care is taken in the editing of articles, however RISC World and APDL cannot be held responsible for any errors in articles and adverts or for the views expressed by authors as these may not reflect the views of the publisher. All software supplied with RISC World is used at your own risk and RISC World/APDL make no claims as to its suitablity for any particular purpose. © Copyright 2001 APDL. RISC World is published by APDL and edited by Aaron Timbrell. |